Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sickness and what we might be doing wrong for our kids.

Happy Hump day!

If your a parent and you have kids in school more then likely you have seen your share of sickness this year. Which....
 Got me thinking the other day,about how we could do more as parents to help our kids bodies fight off those icky germs/bacteria etc.

We give our kids medicine the first sign of anything it seems. And I for one am thankful for medicine but my dad who bless his heart is 83 years young told me "Medicine just hides the sickness,it does not cure it" (Unless its antibiotics of course). Hes probably right. 

We can make them take medicine? but we can't make them take their vitamins? I think we are backwards.

Natural things help. Strong immune systems help. These are things as parents we can provide. I am not a naturalist so giving your kids medicine is fine, my kids just had cough medicine. 

What I want to do is help keep our kids healthy. Help raise awareness on what lack of vitamins and minerals can negatively cause.

Share some tips on what I have learned since being a parent and dealing with sickness.

One thing first.

Sometimes kids will be uncomfy. Do your research before giving medicine. We as parents sometimes act to fast because we are being selfish and we just want the crying to stop or the crankiness to stop. We can do more as parents then just shoving medicine at our kids. We can soothe. 

Now that's out of my system lets move on to naturally keeping our kids healthy.

Above is a link to what helps boost immune systems. Kids should have vitamins all the time. 

This is my parenting fails and my parenting yay's!

I have orange juice in my fridge all the time. Okay. I have it on hand but I am usually the only who drinks it. Fail.

My kids take a kids multivitamin every morning. Okay like once a week....

You have your basic hand washing etc rules as well. Which my kids do not follow.

My kids get sunshine. Vitamin D. If the sun is out your going outside at least once. (This one I got right! My kids go outside all the time)

Calcium!! I believe it does wonders for our bodies. Its also proven. Heres a link to talk more about calcium and what foods its in.

We eat fruits and veggies. Simple. A rule all parents can and should follow.

Milk and water alternate turns for drinks. We don't have sugary drinks. Well.Sorta. We drink apple juice.

And then sometomes kids get sick anyway. Lets try as parents to prevent it. We can't catch every germ and throw it the other way but if we can build our kids bodies up to be strong we are helping in the best way we can.

I know I am going to fix everything I am doing wrong. I am sick of being sick and watching my kids be sick.

We are not perfect and no one has too but lets be smart. The meals your kids eat are important. Now my kids have cheez-its and other snacks too. Pizza not healthy but its on our menu. We after all are human! 

Here are a few tips.

I keep disinfectant spray on hand at home. I don't over do it but I will pray once a day.

I have disinfectant wipes that I wipe down door knobs,fridge handle,lid to garbage can,etc.

I give NO DAIRY to kids who are full of mucus. Old advice that holds true,dairy creates more mucus. 

Once kids seem on the mend, I wash their sheets. Fresh and clean always made me feel even better as a kid. 

I will water down depending on age, ginger ale made with real ginger for a tummy issue. Pedialyte is a great thing but if the kids is not throwing up sometimes Ginger ale can help settle it and the ginger helps in other ways.

Tissues do not sit around. Right to the garbage. We actually use hankerchiefs. 

Phones get a wipe down.

We tend to give medicine(see I am not against it) before bed so the kids will sleep better as that's important when sick. Sleep.Sleep.

Everyone has their ways. As parents we need to know everything we can,figure out everything we can. I listen to elders and what worked back then. I listen to Drs.(even though I do not always agree)..that's me as a parent. And I need improvement. I have a few things backwards. But you live and you learn. =)


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