Monday, October 7, 2019

REVIEW: CORELLE Boutique 16 pc dinnerware set

I'm just starting to open the big wide world of blogging and by that I mean I never post...
But when I find a product or products I like and I decide to review them my way without the guidelines of testing/reviewing sites you all get to read a post!

 No one paid me for this blog post. I did how ever receive a Corelle Boutique 16 pc set for testing reasons by Bzzagent and got to write a review but now I want to do a blog post because that;s how much I loved these dishes. 

I'm not going to blabber on, I want to get right to the point and what I loved and why. First thought I do need to let you in my life a bit. I also need to tell you some more interesting things about these dishes.

 I currently share my life with many, I have friends over for dinner, I feed the neighbors once in awhile, I have a step daughter and her son who is three living here and on top of all that I have two kids,a food picky other half and pets who insist on being in the way in the most inconvenient of times. OH, And on some weekends I have a learning to cook 18 yr old step daughter who comes over. Its never dull.

 The first thing I honestly read on the box for these was how these were pretty much unbreakable. Not in those words of course but close and i was excited. I was excited for a few other reasons too. Like I don't own a full set. I also loved the pattern. Then I opened them and realize the sizes are amazing. Plus they look so nice in my cabinet. Finally no more mix match dishes. Yes!

In the set are 4 dinner plates, 4 kid dinner plates (kidding but I'm country and that's what we call them) 4 bowls and 4 coffee cups.

I obviously tried these the first night I got them. My kitchen happens to be a red theme so even better!

First dinner,we had our lovely blind boxer knocked off a dish when we had stepped away from the table. No he has no manners and no the dish didn't break! 

Now moving right along because I hate reading a blog and being bored because somewhere someone thinks the more words and such makes a better blog. I do this to voice my opinion and have some fun not for money or any other reason. 
The coffee cups. 
I collect them. I have tall,large,soup like kinds,tiny and even a small but not really a medium. I also know that my lovely coffee machine only lets me choose 6oz or 4oz because I don't use the pods I use instant coffee so I just need the water; I never get enough water. BUT BUT with these cups 6oz works great since I do put some creamer in as well. I was beyond excited! Now let me prove to you what I'm talking about.
I'm busy and impatient so this photo is hard to really see detail but what you can see is my other cups and right there the red one next to batman is Corelle's cup and how practical it is. 
To some dishes are not always something we think about but when it comes time too I couldn't believe what I cared about but acted like I didn't because of money time and lack of knowledge.
  • Not as breakable
  • Size
  • Design
  • Number in the set/Full set
I'm really impressed with everything. The design on the plates. The design of the plates. The catchy box they come in. The sizes. The neat way they have made them almost non  destructible.

I don't think I could narrow down who these would be good for. Wedding gift.College student. First apartment. People who have been getting mix match plates for years instead of buying a set...

Thumbs up.

SECRET TIME: So after reviewing these we went to our local Swap which is where you can get free things and found Corelle dishes! My step daughter grabbed them since she knew how much I liked the ones I had!